On Worklib, presenting the best version of yourself to your colleagues is as easy as pie! 🌟
When you create your account, you are invited to fill out your profile. Why? Because a nice photo and a job title are not just details!
If you have a Freemium account without identified colleagues on the platform, rest assured: your information remains private and is not shared with anyone.
A picture speaks a thousand words
Your profile picture is your showcase! It makes you instantly recognizable among your colleagues on the platform. Convenient, right? 👀
Job position: Not Just a Title, a Business Card
Your position clarifies your role within the team and guides your colleagues. Knowing who to talk to at meetings, who to invite for which project, or just forging more relevant connections, all becomes more intuitive. 🌟
How to update my profile?
You have progressed in your career, or simply want to change your photo? You can easily update this information via your settings on the website, or from your Profile on the mobile app.