Who pulls the strings of my remote work policy?
It's your company that sets the rules. Number of credits, remote work days, budget limits; at the heart of your company, it's the team dedicated to telecommuting, desk sharing, or coworking that adjusts these parameters.
Want to make changes? Talk directly to this team or, if not possible, address your superiors. You can also contact us to find out who the right people to approach in your company are. We're here to support you through the process!
Price limits are preventing you from booking a coworking space?
Don't panic! If your credit balance is not enough, you can share the cost of booking an office or meeting room with your guests. Otherwise, your dedicated team might provide the solution: an early recharge, or possibly even a relaxation of those famous rules to give you access to the coveted workspace. At Worklib, we strongly believe in the magic of adaptability and communication. Together, we promote flourishing in your working environment! 🌟