At Worklib, your voice matters a great deal!
Whether you are an absolute fan of our platform or have suggestions for its improvement, we are all ears. Here is how you can share your feedback and suggestions:
Give your opinion on the App
Do you have an idea to improve our app or want to share your experience with our team? You have two options:
(Fill out our survey : Short and can remain anonymous, it is exclusively processed internally by our support and technical teams.
Leave a comment on the stores: Express yourself on Google Play or the Apple Store!
Evaluate our partners
Your feedback is crucial, whether your booking was a success or some aspects were less satisfying. Here is how you can help us improve the quality of our coworking partners:
Right after your booking: A survey will be offered to you at your next app opening.
At any other time: You can also fill out the online survey by specifying the name of the building if you are not responding via the notification.
Request a new partner
You have a coworking space in mind that would be perfect on Worklib, but isn't listed yet? Let us know! We will contact this building to explore the possibility of adding it to our network and to share your interest.
Your active participation helps us continually improve Worklib to offer an increasingly enriching experience. Don't hesitate, your opinion truly counts! 🚀