Choose the best place to work
According to our research, 4 principles have an impact on your workspace:
📅 Schedule: You choose your workspace based on what you have to do each day. The best workspace will not be the same if your day is filled with meetings, if you need quiet, or if it's a mix of meetings with clients and collaborative workshops.
😀 Social relationships: You choose your workspace based on who works where. Gathering together is sometimes critical: with your team, with other teams, or for socializing within your company.
🏢 Available workspaces: You choose where you work based on the workspaces you have access to. The location and commuting time, the specific equipment you need, the atmosphere of certain locations - all these factors impact your choice.
🥳 Personal life: You choose your workspace based on your personal life and constraints.
Organize your week in 2 clicks
Set a pictogram for the status of your day each day. You have the choice between:
Office(s): defined by your company
Home: work from home
External workspace: when you need to work outside the office and out of your home
Offsite: when you are on the move, with clients, at a trade show
Off: on vacation or sick
To be defined: you don't know yet where you plan to work
In 2 clicks, your status is set! We have made it so simple for it to be up to date.
Why is this setting important?
Updating your schedule is important in order to:
🏢 Secure your desk at the office and inform about available spaces.
🤗 Provide the right information to your contacts.
💸 Calculate remote work allowances if your company has implemented it.
Why specify a zone?
The offices of your company can be divided into zones from which you can choose to work. Reservation and capacity management of the zones are only accessible to companies that have deployed it. It allows you to:
✅ Reserve a desk and avoid overcrowding in one zone at the expense of another.
👀 See who is working nearby and join your colleagues in the reserved zone.
Choose an office and navigate through the zones you have access to. We have implemented intelligent rules to assign you to the right zone.